Xhumkar Computers
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Kamera vëzhgimi

Camera IK CP210
DVR EL- 104 - Channels 4 - Display resolution: 720 x 480 (NTSC), 720 x 576 (PAL) - Display frame rate: 120 fps (NTSC); 100 fps (PAL) - Record resolution quality: 640x224 (NTSC); 640X 272(PAL) - Recording mode Continuous, Scheduled, Sensor/Motion trig

Day&night IR camera - Ikegata 950
Camera CCD color INFRA RED SONY IK 950 - Resolution: 420TV lines - Min. illumination: 0.00 lux - Led: 24pcs - IR max. distance: 20m

Day&night IR camera - Ikegata IK950
This infrared weatherproof CCD camera offers superb image quality at 420 lines. At day time, it provides vivid colors. At low light condition, it automatically switches to infrared mode. It works well even in total darkness..

Day&night IR camera - Ikegata IK4001
This infrared weatherproof CCD camera offers superb image quality at 420 lines. At day time, it provides vivid colors. At low light condition, it automatically switches to infrared mode. It works well even in total darkness..

Wireless KTK 609CA
Wireless mini color camera KTK-609CA - Resolution: 380 TV lines - 12V DC power supply - 9V DC power supply - max 100m

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